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Manuscripts must be accompanied by:

  • An abstract of no more than 200 words in both the original language and English.
  • Five key words in both the original language and English.
  • A separate file that includes the name of the author and a short CV stating institutional membership, country of origin, academic background, specialization, relevant publications and email address.
  • Also in separate files, the authors must send the copyright waiver, the declaration of originality and the compromise of exclusivity of publication.
Declaration of originality and copyright waiver Authors must attach a statement attesting to the originality of all the content of the postulated article, as well as assigning the rights of reproduction and distribution thereof, in case of being published, in accordance with our policy of Open access guaranteed by the Creative Commons Attibution 4.0 International license.

Document settings
  • Margins: 3 cm.
  • Font: Garamond, 12.
  • Spacing: single, throughout the entire document, including the article, abstract, footnotes, tables, and appendicess.
  • Alignment: justified.
  • Orientation: vertical.
  • Page size: 19,01 x 26,03.
  • Maximum page count: 30.
  • Header: the complete data of the article (title and author) must be included on each page in order to facilitate citation in the preparation of the complete issue.
  • Footnotes: Footnotes should only be used to provide additional information. Font: Garamond 11, Left alignment.
  • In-text citations: citations should follow the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA). The reference should be included in the case of direct citation or paraphrasing. All references cited in the text must also be present in the Bibliographic References section (and vice versa).
Bibliographic references.

Bibliographic references should follow the guidelines stipulated by the American Psychological Association (APA). They will be placed at the end of the text. Unpublished results and personal communications will not be included even if they have been mentioned in the text. Citing a reference as “in press” implies that the article has been accepted for publication.

References must follow the alphabetical order of the authors’ last name. If there are two or more references by the same author, they will be sorted by ascending date of publication. Examples:

  • Books: Last name, First name initials (year of publication). Title, (edition number, if not the first). Plaza: Editorial. Example: Chesneaux, J. (1976). East Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries. 2nd Edition. Spain: New Clio.
  • Book chapters: Surname, initials of the name (year of publication). Chapter title. In initials the name and surname of the editors (Eds.), Book title (pp.xx-xx). place, editorial, pages that the chapter occupies. Example: Motta Veiga, P. (2009). Brazil’s Trade Policy: Moving away from old paradigms?. In L. Brainardy L. Martínez-Díaz (Eds.), Brazil as an Economic Superpower? Understanding Brazil’s Changing Role in the Global Economy (pp. 108-122). Washington D.C.: The Brooking Institutions Press.
  • Articles in printed magazines: Last name, First name initials (year of publication). Article title. Title of the serial publication, vol. (number), pp xx-xx. Example: Hopkin, J. (2001). Bringing the members back in? Democratizing candidate selection in Britain and Spain. Party Politics, vol. 7, (3), pp. 81-96.
  • Articles in electronic journals: Surname, initials of the name (year of publication). Article title. Title of the serial publication, vol. (number), pp xx-xx. DOI number if you have it. Retrieved from: URL of the publication’s web page.

IMPORTANT: Manuscripts that do not meet the previous specifications will not be accepted.